I was hoping one would short out and cause a grass fire. I’d capture it on my GoPro and the resulting Youtube video would go viral. The whole conflagration would set the Electric Mountain Bike Movement back a decade. A small, but shameful part of me even had the notion that a person–okay, an arsonist–might light a fire somewhere on the Sea Otter E-bike race course during the event. It wouldn’t even have to be traced back to an Ebike. The fact that it “might have been caused by an ebike” in the closely watched crucible of the First Ebike Race in America might have been enough. It would have been risky. Some people might have been hurt. But would it have been for the greater good?
Such was my disdain for eMTBs.
Loathing. Irrational and deep.
And, like many of my “Serious Mountain Biker” friends who feel similarly, I couldn’t really tell you why.
At the Sea Otter Classic this year, I stiffened like a Mennonite in a Best Buy when I was walking through the expo area. It was there that I saw a guy in an Ebike booth handing a 6′ check for $5000 over to a trail advocacy group. A sizable crowd was applauding. My Spidey Sense tingled. I walked away wide-eyed. What the hell is wrong with them? What the hell is wrong with me?
I love bicycles. I love motorcycles. If this is the silent, smokeless love-child of these two wondrous instruments of fun and adventure, why do they roust the curmudgeon in me? If an Ebike looks like a bike, goes the same speed as a bike, has the same trail impact as a bike, and is as free of smoke and noise as a bike, then maybe I need to just accept them as a part of my bicycle riding experience. Like Strava, headphones, Selfie-Sticks, mid-ride cellphone calls, and other benignly irksome technological advancements that have become de rigueur on the trails. Have these trifles made riding bikes in the woods any less alluring? Not really. And nor will sharing the experience with the occasional E-biker.
Here’s an analogy that I think might explain some of the MTB Establishment’s distaste for eMTBs.
Imagine that you’re 12 miles into a kick-ass 30 mile MTB loop in the mountains and then you come across hikers. You slow to a crawl and exchange pleasantries and continue on, but can’t help but notice the disappointed looks on their faces. They’ll take 2 days and 2 nights to do the same loop that you’ll squeeze in between lunch and dinner. The sound of your freewheel as you coast away is the sound of the wind being softly taken from their sails. I’ve seen it. And when I’ve been hiking, I’ve even felt a tiny bit of what they do: the feeling that somebody had stolen the gem from my donut. That my grand and noble experience was somehow cheapened by somebody using a more efficient machine to do it faster and easier. To ride a mountain bike isn’t doing wrong, but there’s a reason that some hikers are so brusque–in a way that they aren’t with other trail users.
If eMTBs proliferate on the trails, we Mountain Bikers will be those down at the mouth hikers. Special places that were only the domain of the strong and the skilled will see new visitors. Interlopers with what, at first blush, seem bo be bicycles. But their seated, over-geared cadence and their gravity-bending climbing speeds will give them away as impostors to our clique of hard-core cyclists. For some, the sensations of enjoying a hard earned vista will be corrupted the moment a couple of “more average” folks roll up to the overlook on Ebikes. Pleasantries might go unspoken, and eye contact withheld. Are we all just being petty, exclusive assholes?
There are legitimate reasons for concern. A strong argument can be made that eMTBs could complicate the fight for MTB trail access. If eMTBs and regular MTBs are easily confused on the trail, then managers of non-motorized lands might save themselves a lot of trouble by just eliminating both. It’s also likely that some of the most contentious multi-use areas will see more conflicts between users if two-wheeled traffic going uphill is traveling at the speed that these electric assisted bikes are capable of. Indeed, it’s this easy and deceptive speed that I personally find most troubling with eBikes in general.. In my (albeit brief) experiences riding Ebikes, I found myself casually going nearly race-pace and occasionally surprising myself with sudden proximity to people who were also not expecting me to be so close, so fast. And in the sprawling masses of cyclist and foot traffic at Sea Otter this year, I witnessed more close calls than in the last several years combined–all due to eBikes.
Bike companies small and large are jumping on the Ebike Bandwagon en masse. Their forecasts indicate an untapped market. One of hordes of cash flush people who’d be wooed by an easier cycling experience. Their claim is that many will find their way to traditional cycling through first riding eBikes. And it’s reasonable to believe that if the bike companies don’t run with the ball, the auto makers, or motorcycle companies, or Google/Apple/Tesla will. Personally, I think the cycling industry has the strongest claim to steward this product and it’s purchasers. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Mostly because I’m biased and I like bike people. But are we collectively striking a Faustian bargain that will eventually lead us to ruin? In plainer terms: Will we all go to Hell if we promote the Electricly Assisted Bicycle?
As soon as I read that there was to be an Ebike race at Sea Otter this year, I knew that I wanted to race it, and race it Unplugged–Acoustic, if you will–on a normal Giant Anthem XC bike. Not having ridden Ebikes, but for a couple miles around town, I was excited to see what the dynamic would be. Where would they be faster? Where would I find an advantage,? Could I possibly be competitive? Any time that I ride a bike that doesn’t fit in amongst the other racers (road bike in a short track xc, singlespeed in a pro MTB race, etc) the racing gets more interesting. Instead of riding around in your rightful place most of the day, you’re constantly passing and being passed because of the costs/benefits of your setup relative to the status quo. I figured the eMTB race would make for a hilarious give-and take. I also secretly feared it would be a rout. The race was to be an hour and most of the eMTBs make 300-500 watt/hours–in addition to what the rider adds. So, barring an electromagnetic pulse or an additional 2 hours of racing, I’d have my work cut out for me, but I tend to like this kind of work.

Testing Electric Predictive Steering prototype. Wireless functionality of the next version should increase range dramatically.
The race was divided into age groups and an “Industry Challenge” catchall group that started first among the many heats. Despite being registered in the Industry race, at the starting line I hid among the age groupers so that the race organizers wouldn’t see that I didn’t have a motor on my bike. Yes. The irony was rich. But they did not see the Salad Shooter plug that was hanging out of my RS1 and when the second wave of racers was released, I was amongst it.
I rode as hard as I could–as hard as I have all year–and certainly harder than in any of the other Professional races I did this year at Sea Otter. For once, I wasn’t racing to show what I was capable of. I was racing to show what Mountain Bikes are capable of. For an afternoon, I fancied myself a modern John Henry. So I went out proud and fast. And I eventually blew up a little, trying to keep up with the masses of slow-looking and fast-riding Ebikers. But then I settled in and began RACING people. Making passes on the flat and downhill sections where my competitors’ bikes were powerless and leaden because of the industry standard 20mph shutoff for electric assist. And attacking into the bottoms of hills where I could maintain momentum, only to be left for dead at the crests of the climbs–the other riders breezing away with indifference at my gasping and wheezing.
By the finish line, I had no idea where I’d placed. I’d diced pretty good with some random people I’d never met and will likely never race again. And I was spent. Christophe Sauser, the former World XC Champ had lapped me on the 7 minute course, but he’d gotten a small head start. And at his best, he could have lapped me WITHOUT a motor in his bike on this track.
It turns out, I beat a fair few people to come in 17th of 30 riders in the Industry Challenge. Granted, most of these people were not great bike racers. But a few of them were. And all of them were on the juice. So I was pretty satisfied with that result.
And I was pretty satisfied with the whole experience in general. By dint of this being the first race of it’s kind in North America, people didn’t have much in the way of expectations. They didn’t have goals or pressures to perform. They just rode hard and had a good time, much like the racers in some of the MTB races I did in the early 1980′s. I doubt that Ebike racing will really gain traction anywhere, at least not here in the USA any time soon. But maybe Ebikes themselves will gain momentum. Maybe the bike companies are right and there are legions of people who feel electric motors add more to the cycling experience than they take away.
I, for one, hope to never be counted in that number. For me, the suffering is nearly as important as the fun I have on a bicycle. I want to fuel my rides solely with food I shouldn’t have eaten. So that I can get old, but not fat–without ever paying for the privilege of using a treadmill. For some of us, there really is no such thing as a free lunch–but a big lunch can fuel a ride to freedom. If you only get out of something what you put into it, then it stands to reason that eMTBs are a waste of time. Like riding a chairlift or sitting in a pickup truck to shuttle a trail, the work is eliminated but much of the spirit of “going for a bike ride” is too. At the extreme, those who ride bikes purely for the physical benefits will see the electric bicycle is an oxymoron. As nonsensical as using an escalator to access the local Gold’s Gym.
Maybe you’re not so sure though. Maybe you wouldn’t mind a little help getting lost in the woods. A little assistance grinding up the hills so that you can enjoy coasting back down with the rest of us.
I’m beginning to think that might be okay. I’ll try to be nice when I see you arrive at the top of the big climb on your eMTB. I’ll swallow my pride and have a bottle of purple Gatorade Frost that you generously offer me from your backpack–still cold from the fridge. I will try to be gracious. To show kindness and patience to you and your eBike brothers from the future. But if you produce a Selfie-Stick from that same backpack, we’re gonna have a problem.
Thanks for reading.
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I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for articulating what many think and feels about ebikes but lack the platform to vent.
Pingback: Decker goes acoustic in Sea Otter e-bike race | Sport World 360
Great story! Thank you for touching on a contemporary version of the unforeseen conflicts that came with mountain bikes in their beginnings. The conflicts, surprisingly, were between cyclists and the Sierra Club/environmental folks. As a recovering motorcyclist, those times were very interesting in that any encounters with m/c riders on the trails met with incredulity and a bit of awe. My hope in these situations was to encourage more cyclists and I know I did through my shop and events promoted. The Sierra Club/environmental folks may have looked at those times similarly, with attempts at converting the heathen bike rider, usually equating mountain bikes to motorcycles rather than my perception of their being more genetically linked to hikers. And so it goes.
Thank you for your arrogant and ignorant perspective on ebikes.
We are really thrilled to hear that *your* perspective is that without pain, cycling is not worth doing. For a lot of people who live with pain or other disabilities everyday, an ebike just might be the tool for being able to get out and enjoy and improve their lives.
Meanwhile, we really don’t give a shit if you are gracious or not, so go on being a tool. We don’t care.
I did say “for me” before that statement about suffering being it’s own reward.
Keep smiling.
In the same way you’re undermining the ADA because you need to have your “comfort animal” under the table whenever you leave the house to eat at the Golden Corral, so goes the argument that electric motorbikes should be allowed on trails for the benefit of the disabled. Disabled persons with REAL service animals have licenses for such and so should any MOTORIZED mobility device used on trails. I understand the Bike Industry’s position (PROFIT) but I just can’t relate to all the confusion from everyone else. … OR just say it’s fun to haul ass with little/no effort and then the argument would make sense.
I prefer a Honda CRF250 on the trails if I am not pedaling. What is the point of an eBike? It is for people that would not otherwise be able to enjoy cycling. Unfortunately too many will abuse this tool and it will probably be the end of many trails for MTB enjoyment. I have been late to embrace eBikes as many share your distain but have come to see a use for them. And it’s not for winning CX championships. If these machines introduce people to an activity they find out they enjoy then it is a win for the cycling community. When kids get their hands on them, disable the limiter and haul ass at 50mph into people and things (as they tragically always have and will do), it will be a problem. But for now educating people on their purpose is probably the most important thing!
I firmly believe one can still be a purist without being a Ludite.
I love this line
” For me, the suffering is nearly as important as the fun I have on a bicycle. I want to fuel my rides solely with food I shouldn’t have eaten. So that I can get old, but not fat–without ever paying for the privilege of using a treadmill. For some of us, there really is no such thing as a free lunch–but a big lunch can fuel a ride to freedom.”
I was in Tahoe last September and climbing Armstrong when I saw a guy unload his mtn bike out of a mega $$ SUV. I remember seeing the bar ends pointed to the sky. On the descent my friend and I yielded to the same guy as he was climbing up. He was on an E-bike ,and from all appearances (not to stereotype) was not someone who should descend a trail like this.
I work in the bike industry and had been following the whole e-bike thing but it really stunned me to see this. Things are changing, no doubt about that.
Damn Decker, you need to get more pub. You are a very entertaining fellow.
CD, thank you for editing your thoughts over the last month and sharing your interest and crafty, cheeky and human-assist-only entrance into an e-bike race. I especially enjoyed reading the counter-Carl points made in this BLOG. Carl, my helmet is off to you for allowing this to happen. Insightful. Witty. Bold. Audacious and butt-smacking good read ole boy.
Cd –
Well said! Your comparison to MTB racing in the early 80′s was spot on. It was a little bit pioneer, it was competitively fun, and racers of all calibers shared a high-fives and stories long after the race had ended.
I was fortunate enough to get a spot in the eBike race, and unlike the manimal Carl Decker, I raced on an eBike. I had a blast, and I got to know some great competitors in the process.
I’m optimistic eBike racing will grow in North America. Like early Mtb racing, beginners and world champions found common ground swapping stories of passing or being passed. That can only help increase participation in MTB racing.
It doesn’t hurt professionals like yourself and Sauser are keeping an open mind on eMtbs. I’m sure a couple boosts from a friendly eBike competitor didn’t hurt.
Great article! I started riding in ’89 when I came out to grad school on a Trek 930. My grad gift was a ’93 Klein Rascal which I raced in some local races up at Big Bear. Also raced on our Specialized MTB tandem with my wife.
Then in 2015, decided to get a Specializsd 6Fattie for my 50th bday. Some of my purist racing friends thought I had “sold out” to rhe full susp tech, but my racing days were long gone and I wanted more comfort and safety on downhills and small jumps.
Then this last Dec, I got some surprising news: my getting out of breath on trails I had ridden for 2 decades was not because I was getting older or because I was on plus tires and a full susp bike, it was me cause I had cardiomyopathy and my ejection fraction had dropped to 45% (at max exercise heart rate). I looked fine, didn’t have any pain, just that my heart out out less than half the blood it should be putting out when my muscles were demanding O2 and glucose. The kids on my team I coached would rag on me for walking up climbs they rode up (and I used to ride up before no problem). I tried to explain to them what my heart condition was like but it went over their heads so I told them to ride up a hill while pedaling 1-legged. That was the closest I got to getting my condition across to them.
So yeah, it still feels like “cheating”, that I didn’t earn my downhills, but because of my heart condition, in beta blockers (a drug that keeps your heart rate from going too high), and an order by my cardiologist not to ride at my max heart rate too often, I end up walking up hills when my HR monitor goes above 150 BPM. Which means it takes me longer to finish a loop.
Have I stilled earned my downhills ifn walking? So if I were to get the e-bike version of my 6fattie, I could ride up with the assist, and ride longer loops, because i could cover more ground and go faster. Is that still cheating? I don’t think so.
There are many people who have other reasons where they don’t have the VO2 of legend Ned Overend or the legs of Tinker, both older guys still racing competitively. Does that mean the out-of-shape Joe has to ride short loops or beginner trails, or can’t ride with the rest of the gang because he can’t keep up?
I hope that e-MTBs opens up the trails for those of us who, for whatever reason–medical or just plain out of shape and wanting to get into shape–want to hit the trails and just have fun. If my heart condition doesn’t improve (at my last treadmill check, it improved), I may have to check out that e-6fattie.